Urban Getaway.

As COO of a major ad agency and founder of a non-profit, this open-minded couple gave the design team the “green light” to develop an exterior environment aligned with their vision. Playful and creative, the design solution accommodates children and adults alike. Most of the swimming pool, with placement limited by a utility easement, was required to be constructed within the home's great room. Oversized granite outcroppings that were craned into place beautifully integrate with the landscape. A single granite monolith creates a focal point water feature that also functions as a shower.

"It’s projects like this that separates landscape architects from basic landscape designers."
- Michigan ASLA

  • Detroit Home Design Award

    1st Place “Water Feature”

    3rd Place “Deck/Patio/Porch”

    3rd Place “Exterior Use of Stone/Tile/Concrete”

  • Michigan Chapter ASLA

    Honor Award


The Orchard Ridge Campus


Contemporary in Nature